Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Blog About Twitter

A Twitter discussion is very different from that of a Blackboard or class discussion. Twitter requires one's comments or posts to be short, with the longer posts usually being the last ones to read. In a blackboard discussion, it may be easier to get a point across, but it usually involves a longer comment. In a class discussion, people tune out of the conversation often. On Twitter, you have to be concise, you have to pick the correct details to state. It also allows for more rebuttal, since people can reply to your comments faster, and more often. I personally rather discuss topics on Twitter than on Blackboard.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your points. Twitter is a lot more of a discussion than Blackboard and class discussions because although statements are short, they allow many users to see your thoughts. This allows for a discussion between many users, which is a lot more effective for a "real" discussion. Also, like you said, people may zone out in class sometimes and Twitter allows users to reread as many times as they want which is beneficial.
