Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Social Networking Sites

Oh man, the variety of the social networking sites out there is absolutely wild. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Path. They all serve similar purposes, but look different or have other limitations.

They all allow you to "follow" or connect with other people or entities, which in turn allows you to see what they choose to share. They differ on what content is shared though.

Facebook allows all sorts of content, short or long statuses, photos, videos, or even feelings! It's riddled with advertisements though, sometimes clogging up one's "newsfeed" to the point where I just want to log off. Lately my newsfeed has not been too interesting, seeing two-day-old posts again and again.

Twitter is the same, just it limits one's post to 140 characters at maximum. The longer "tweets" are cut into two posts, or put on a third-party website that was linked.

Instagram is limited to posting photos, and now after the competition has begun with another company, Vine, videos are allowed. Instagram is owned by Facebook though, so the same advertisements are there.

Path, my least favorite Social Network, is just a much smaller version of Facebook. Path tries to be unique by creating a "Path" for one to follow another on. Just like one's news feed, but with a different name.

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